Friday, May 20, 2016

Shiki's Fantastic Photo Shoots: Hyper Booty Senran Ryōbi!

Do you guys remember that Booty Land funding thing that was happening for a while? Well, the amount needed wasn’t reached, but apparently Ryōbi (after some SERIOUS pouting/screaming/bullying) decided not to give up on her dream. Which I 100% support; you should, like, never give up on your dreams!

Anyway, she’s still pretty determined to have this place become a reality. There’d be rides and a café and shopping, which sounds like it would be so much fun! But then I got to thinking: “Hmm, Shiki, what would really draw people there?” And you know what I came up with?


Just picture it! Booty Land could be the new IT place for weddings! I mean, what a totally great place to have a reception! All the guests would have so much fun going on the rides! Way better than some stuffy old dinner. And with the Booty Land stage, you could go all out with the music! Think of all the space for dancing! And you know I’d TOTALLY be the photographer for everything! And then that could really open the park up for all sorts of other events.

What a great idea…! So I pitched it to Ryōbi. At first, she thought I was crazy. But the more I talked about it, the more she totally began to agree with me! Which was really surprising, considering all the hostility that seems to be going on right now. Maybe everyone needs to recite the Heart Sutra to calm down…

Sorry! Got totally sidetracked for a second there. Anyway!

Presenting, our first marketing material for Booty Land Weddings! What do you think? Pretty groovy, huh?! 

Booty Land... For all your event needs!


  1. Ryōbi's totally adorbs on that dress. Booty Land's wedding ceremony. Love it !!!!

    1. Right?! I think she looks totally great!

  2. Poor Booty Landa didn't meet its funding goals. It was a small request too!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
